Summary: [image]…[image] [image] [image]
Summary: [image] [image]
Summary: [image] [image] [image]
Summary: [image]
Summary: [image]
Summary: [image]…[image]
Summary: I've moved everything back over to a managed account so I don't have to bother with the more tedious manual efforts.
Summary: Here's a follow-up from [link] my previous post about the Hydro and other PC upgrades.…Some photos to see how it fits.…[image] [image] [image] [image].
Summary: Find spotify icon in the notifications area.…[image]2…Right click on the icon in the notifications area..
Summary: Now comes the task of interior decorating & setting up my office.
Summary: Looking forward to installing that liquid cooler.
Summary: Going to be using Tumblr to post microblog-type content.…I'll still post longer things here, probably.…Here's the link if you want to follow:
Summary: They would take turns calling each other once a week because long distance calls were expensive.…They would write letters back and forth that would take days or weeks to arrive.…People today..
Summary: I can feel something and not act on it, or I can act against something I feel, or I can act and you can assume I feel something that I don't.…It boils down to the fact that I am the only one who feels my feelings.…You can't ever know if I feel something or not based on whether I perform an action or not.
Summary: [image]
Summary: [link] Watch live video from JoeJiko on TwitchTV…We have a TeamSpeak server…Ask for details!
Summary: [link] Gatchaman Crowds
Summary: As for the term "friend request", doesn't that imply that you're asking to be friends with someone?…Not that you're already friends..…define: request1
Summary: You make a choice to date me or not, it's nothing to do with luck.…I would never choose to be around someone who viewed me as inferior.…Posted this to Facebook and got a [link] good response.
Summary: People who read for fun are always much deeper, well-rounded, and interesting people!…[link] Ask me on facebook if you want to join the book club…8-]