Welcome to retard culture.
Where cell phone photos are "glamor shots", being gay is a look, "superficially" is the largest word they know, and the your/you're phenomenon is still widely theorized.
(look to the bottom of the image)

My favorite part is "don't talk of superficial people because i can tell from looking at you"
Update: continued..

What he doesn't realize..
This is now published. Which means when he goes to apply for a job.. anyone who googles his name will now see how he treats other people. Surprise asshole!
What do we take away from this?
People's words only have weight if you let them. Don't worry so much about what people say. You know yourself better than they do.
Don't worry, this case of online bullying was a failure ;)

transcript below
jonnathan burris: superficially? coming from a superficial faggot that's pretty weak. who the fuck take glamor shots of themselves? that shit is for girls. if i where you joe i would get the surgery to get whats left of you're dick taken off because you obviously want to be female. also, don't talk of superficial people because i can tell from looking at you, you are as superficial as they get,...or gay....or both. now go cry fag boy because no one wants you and you look like a faggot bitch..and next time try not to spend hours Photoshopping you're pics....if your a ugly bitch, your a ugly bitch, deal with it fag.
Johnnathan Burris: You are still a faggot. I guess you where too butt hurt to reply back like a man, instead, you resorted to facebook games because you have no life or real friends. I can spell lots of words, like ignorant and arrogant. oh, and childish. you're a attention whore and all you are looking for is for people to feel bad for you and for attention you're parents never gave you. Kindly go kill yourself and do the world a favor....AND for the record I could give a fuck less about what you or your faggot enthusiast friends think. stop trying to look like a woman, or come out of the closet already....K.Thanks....
Where cell phone photos are "glamor shots", being gay is a look, "superficially" is the largest word they know, and the your/you're phenomenon is still widely theorized.
(look to the bottom of the image)

My favorite part is "don't talk of superficial people because i can tell from looking at you"
Update: continued..

What he doesn't realize..
This is now published. Which means when he goes to apply for a job.. anyone who googles his name will now see how he treats other people. Surprise asshole!
What do we take away from this?
People's words only have weight if you let them. Don't worry so much about what people say. You know yourself better than they do.
Don't worry, this case of online bullying was a failure ;)

transcript below
jonnathan burris: superficially? coming from a superficial faggot that's pretty weak. who the fuck take glamor shots of themselves? that shit is for girls. if i where you joe i would get the surgery to get whats left of you're dick taken off because you obviously want to be female. also, don't talk of superficial people because i can tell from looking at you, you are as superficial as they get,...or gay....or both. now go cry fag boy because no one wants you and you look like a faggot bitch..and next time try not to spend hours Photoshopping you're pics....if your a ugly bitch, your a ugly bitch, deal with it fag.
Johnnathan Burris: You are still a faggot. I guess you where too butt hurt to reply back like a man, instead, you resorted to facebook games because you have no life or real friends. I can spell lots of words, like ignorant and arrogant. oh, and childish. you're a attention whore and all you are looking for is for people to feel bad for you and for attention you're parents never gave you. Kindly go kill yourself and do the world a favor....AND for the record I could give a fuck less about what you or your faggot enthusiast friends think. stop trying to look like a woman, or come out of the closet already....K.Thanks....