----- Wednesday, February 01, 2012 -----
>>> Steven Sulik wrote <<<
[10:41 am] “However your designers decide to do the layout just ask them to make it pop...”
>>> Joe Jiko wrote <<<
[10:42 am] lmao
[10:42 am] pop it!
[10:42 am] i want it to punch me in the face when i look at it!
[10:42 am] i want my 11 year old daughter to lose her virginity when she sees it!
>>> Steven Sulik wrote <<<
[10:42 am] i fucking hate when people ask to make it pop
>>> Joe Jiko wrote <<<
[10:43 am] just work your magic, wow me, and use some pizazz!
>>> Steven Sulik wrote <<<
[10:44 am] pizazz is the best

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