A lot of these services will import your Reader content for you.
If you want to do it manually, click the link below
Export your Google Reader
I'll update this as I experiment with the services and do more searching.
If you have a recommendation, leave a comment.
Update: 3/14 @ 12pm
So far, Feedly is winning. I also created a Google Currents edition for this blog and my Google+ posts
Currents is cool and all, but it's mobile only.. which doesn't work for me.
@itsnotadam and I were discussing our :( on Twitter and he said he didn't like the magazine view of Feedly.
Well, Feedly let's you change the view.

One part that I absolutely love about feedly is their share bar.

I'll be looking into creating something like this for the blog and other areas on joejiko.com
Update 3/14 @ ~5pm
Found a self-hosted solution for $30. Fever. Looks interesting. Arranges feeds by "hotness".