Updated on
Instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/2ziu4m/very_illegal_how_to_download_japanese_dlc_on_mh4u/
It's actually not illegal.
Maybe it is something Capcom would prefer people don't do, but I have heard nothing of them taking action against anyone. As I see it, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of this method of early access to all the DLC.
Also.. here's a list of all MH4U DLC rules for SKFU Pr0xy that I generated (You'll need that.. or you can do it one-by-one as the guide guides you to do.. lol)
Download proxy rules
You're welcome!
And YES, this includes G-rank Gold Rathian/Silver Rathalos and G-rank Fatalis. Happy hunting!

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