This is a legacy section that hasn't been updated. Some stuff might not work.

Special Devices Engineering

Name How to get


Skell Reflection effects also include Beam reflect

10% drop from Leva'el, the Terminus


Skell Reflection effects also include Electric reflect

10% drop from Leva'el, the Terminus


Skell Reflection effects also include Ether reflect

10% drop from Telethia, the Endbringer


Skell Reflection effects also include Gravity reflect

10% drop from Pharsis, the Everqueen


Skell Reflection effects also include Physical reflect

10% drop from Gradivus, the Headless Emperor


Skell Reflection effects also include Thermal reflect

10% drop from Gradivus, the Headless Emperor

Reflect: Beam

Reflection art effects also grant Beam reflect

10% drop from Lugalbanda, the Wanderer-King

Reflect: Electric

Reflection art effects also grant Electric reflect

10% drop from Lugalbanda, the Wanderer-King

Reflect: Ether

Reflection art effects also grant Ether reflect

10% drop from Telethia, the Endbringer In a treasure spot in Cauldros, accessed via the teleporter behind Trueno, the Catalysm

Reflect: Gravity

Reflection art effects also grant Gravity reflect

10% drop from Pharsis, the Everqueen

Reflect: Physical

Reflection art effects also grant Physical reflect

10% drop from Dadaan, the Strongest Prone

Reflect: Thermal

Reflection art effects also grant Thermal reflect

10% drop from Dadaan, the Strongest Prone
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